Wednesday 6 December 2017


by pomegranate

canker sores remedy

  Canker sores (aphthous ulcers or aphthous stomatitis) are painful mouth ulcers which are usually round or oval in shape, appearing yellow or grey in center with a red border.

The main reason for these painful ulcers is not clearly defined. lack of Iron; Folic Acid and Vitamin B12, menstruation, stress, psychological or mental shocks, food allergies are the most common causes of this disease.
Canker sores can be inherited and the condition can run in families. These ulcers are different from cold sores(an infection especially caused by viruses). So canker sores are not contagious or infectious.

There are three main forms of canker sores:

1.  Minor form: small sores which are observed in 80% of cases. They occur on lips, on the inside linings of cheeks, under tongue but not on tongue, gum or palates. The sores will be cured up to 7-10 days but may relapse again.

2.  Major form: larger sores observed in 10% of cases. This type are more painful and have a longer period of recovery, approximately 10-40 days.

3.  Herpes form: this type is the most painful and are larger in size. These sores look like herpes and viruses in shape but remember that they are not infectious! They relapse again and again so that they exist over a long period of time.
There are many remedies for these painful sores:
  • Drinking juices containing Vitamin C and B complex.
  • Rinsing mouth with a mixture of water and baking soda.
  • Rinsing mouth with onion juice.
  • Different rinsing gels provided over the counter.
  • Rinse mouth with a mixture of Coconut milk and honey.
Here, I will mention pomegranates as an effective home remedy for canker sores. You can try both pomegranate juice and pomegranate molasses which is more effective.
Pomegranate was demonstrated to be high in antioxidant activity and strong in phenolic, flavonoid and tannin contents in its fruit, flower and also aerial parts. Furthermore It is a source of Vitamin C and has anti-bacterial characteristics.


It is very easy to make pomegranates molasses at home by following these easy steps:

1.      Peel the pomegranate and seed it. Be careful not to mix the white membrane to the seeds.

2.      Use juicer or meat grinder to produce pomegranate juice. Sieve the mixture to separate juice from residual.
3.      Pour the juice in a pan on a low heat to get the desired thickness. Do not forget to stir constantly.
*The desired thickness is similar to the thickness of jam in a way that you can move the spoon easily over the pan.
4. Your home made pomegranate molasses is ready. Let it cool. Pour it in a bottle and store it in a cold and dry place.
When you are effected by canker sores, pour some drop of pomegranate molasses on the canker sores, try to hold molasses in mouth for a few seconds, It is okay to swallow it then. repeat it a few times a day. You will be surprised by the result.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

cough and sore throat remedy

  The weather is getting cold and catching cold is becoming common which is not pleasant AT ALL. having sore throat and coughs are the worst part of it.
when feeling light symptoms at the early stages of getting cold, use this home remedy to inhibit it.

 Honey: The substance which will not be deteriorated over years! from many years ago, is used as a very efficient Anti-bacterial pure substance. It also has essential minerals and antioxidants which are necessary for human body.

 Lemon: There is no need to mention what a source of Vitamin C It is. Vitamin C is essential for improving immune system.

 Almond: This nutritious grain is the best source for Vitamin E and is categorized as an antioxidant. Eating sweet almonds will reduce the inflammation and throat mucus.

  • Hot water                                   1 cup
  • Fresh Lemon juice                     2 Tbl
  • Honey                                        1-2 Tbl
  • Powdered Almond Grains         1 Tbl

Add powdered almond, honey and lemon juice to the hot water.

This mixture will reduce inflammations in throat and eliminates mucus. It is better to be used before breakfast.

Monday 4 December 2017

About Naturalife90

In my opinion, most of the times, Natural and Herbal remedies are the best replace for synthetic antibiotics.

While I was a bachelor student living away from family, I barely used pills or saw a doctor. whenever I felt like catching a cold, I used simple home remedies to cure myself and seized the disease symptoms at the very first stages. It really worked 99% of times.

Here I try to mention effective home remedies to overcome different disease and illnesses.